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Health Benefits Of Shilajit - Benefits of Shilajit


  • Manages Diabetes

The outstanding hypoglycaemic property of shilajit plays a key role in regulating the blood glucose and lipid profiles in diabetes patients, particularly when taken along with diabetes medications. The production of insulin from the pancreatic β-cells becomes active in taking shilajit formulations. It helps to reduce the breakdown of starch into glucose which in turn leads to low blood glucose levels

  • Improves Cognitive Functioning

Shilajit is a traditional remedy to increase the functioning of the brain. The presence of bioactive small molecules called dibenzo-alpha-pyrones prevents the breakdown of the brain chemicals needed for memory hence enhancing memory capacity, focus, concentration, calmness, alertness of an individual. Being a brain tonic and stimulator, people taking shilajit capsules or other formulations have improved memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive abilities and are thus used for treating Alzheimer’s and other psychotic conditions.

  • Shields From Intestinal Troubles

The potent anti-inflammatory and purgative properties of shilajit help to suppress the toxic bacteria Helicobacter pylori and also prevents it from growing in the gut. Owing to its strong laxative nature and peristaltic effects, it effectively prevents constipation, piles by softening the stool and facilitating smooth passage through the body. It also prevents the fluid from drying up in the colon and averts abdominal pain, abdominal distension, intestinal gas, flatulence, colic, etc.

  • Remedies Stress And Anxiety

Being a powerful adaptogen, Shilajit is beneficial for treating different types of psychotic problems like depression, dementia, etc. It stabilises the Vata and Pitta doshas in the body which in turn keeps the serotonin level under control and helps to reduce various symptoms of anxiety which includes uneasiness, restlessness, cold hands, and feet, etc.

The potent antidepressant properties of the herb also help in calming the mind, reducing all sorts of physical and mental stress, irritability and improving energy and stamina

  • Promotes Cardiac Functioning

Shilajit is one such herbo-mineral compound that has been found to have a positive effect on the heart. Imbued with antioxidants and cardio-protective properties, it plays a crucial role in treating a host of heart ailments. It relaxes the cardiac system, by soothing the mind, which is extremely advantageous for patients suffering from arrhythmias and palpitations. It is also beneficial in strengthening the heart muscles, dropping cholesterol levels in the blood and preventing lipid accumulation, which in turn reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, heart blocks, heart attacks, blood clots, etc

  • Slows Ageing Process

Shilajit is well known for its regenerative effects. Not only does it help in tissue repair and regeneration but also owing to the potent antioxidant activity, it protects against cellular damage, and hence reduces the ageing process in the tissues of the heart, lungs, liver, and skin. The presence of fulvic acid shields the body against free radical damage and the abundance of antioxidants maintains a balanced ratio of calcium in the bones making one stronger. Shilajit also bolsters the immune system and prevents infections.

  • Enhances Fertility And Libido

Shilajit offers a one-shot traditional remedy for boosting libido and improving fertility in men. It showcases strong aphrodisiac properties that not only helps in reducing mental stress and anxiety but also stimulates the production of testosterone that increases fertility and libido. It plays a key role in increasing virility and stamina in men. Consuming purified shilajit capsules alongside milk before sleeping has been known to increase blood circulation in the genitals which thereby improves the production of male hormones like testosterone and luteinizing hormone, thus improving the motility and quality of sperms in male. 

  • Remedies Pain And Inflammation

The abundance of anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties of the bioactive ingredients in Shilajit makes it the ultimate choice for providing relief from pain and inflammation due to arthritis. It is also extremely effective against Rheumatoid arthritis which is known as Amavata in ayurveda. Amavata is generally caused due to vitiation of Vata doshas and accumulation of Ama in the joints.

  • Treats Wounds And Ulcers

The anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer properties of the bioactive components present in Shilajit hold high significance in treating different types of ulcers like ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcer, canker sores or mouth ulcers, etc. It also promotes tissue regeneration and hence facilitates wound healing.

  • Prevents Anemia

Anemia is a condition where there is a reduced number of red blood cells or haemoglobin in the blood or a dysfunctional RBC. The presence of high levels of humic acid and iron in this herbo-mineral compound is extremely beneficial in improving haemoglobin levels and RBC count and eventually treating iron deficient anemia.

  • Facilitates Weight Loss

The abundance of active components in purified shilajit helps the body shed excess weight faster. When taken regularly, supplements of shilajit helps in satiating sudden hunger pangs and prevents overeating and hence can play a pivotal role in one’s weight loss regimen. It also reduces the accumulation of LDL (i.e. Low-Density Lipoproteins or bad cholesterol) in the body, and activates the genes which helps the body to respond positively to a workout, thereby improving metabolism and facilitating the body in maintaining a proper weight.

  • Rectifies Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a troublesome health condition characterized by intense fatigue and loss of energy due to physical and mental stress. The quarry of minerals present in shilajit extensively helps to improve cellular functions in the body, which ultimately increases energy and eventually treats fatigue syndrome with time.

  • Effect On Doshas

Shilajit, the celestial exudation from the Himalayas is hallowed with three distinct tastes namely Katu Rasa (i.e. pungent taste), Tikta Rasa (i.e. bitter taste) and Kashaya Rasa (i.e. astringent taste).  It shows Laghu (i.e. light) and Rukhsha Guna (i.e. dry quality). It inherently portrays Shita Virya (i.e. cold potency) and Katu Vipaka (i.e. pungent metabolic taste). Being dry and light, it pacifies the Kapha (earth and water) and Vata doshas (i.e. air) whereas having a pungent metabolic taste and cold potency, the herb detoxifies the Pitta (fire and air) doshas. Owing to the essential properties and doshas, the herb has a positive effect on the various Dhatus (i.e. body tissues) which are Rasa (i.e. Plasma), Rakta (i.e. Blood), Mamsa (i.e. Muscles), Asthi (i.e. Bones) and Shukra (i.e. Reproductive Fluids)


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the benefits of shilajit

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