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How to reduce Thyroid Naturally at home - Overview, Levels, Diet plan & More

 TAGS - Thyroid diet plan, Foods to avoid in Thyroid, foods to eat for Thyroid, Thyroid home remedies

This article will help you to understand overview, level, foods, diet plan of Thyroid. All in one place 


Thyroid hormones help control your growth, repair and metabolism. As a result, people who suffer from hypothyroidism may experience tiredness, hair loss, weight gain, feeling cold, feeling down and many more symptoms The thyroid gland is a small, butterfly-shaped gland that sits near the base of your neck. It makes and stores thyroid hormones that affect nearly every cell in your body



The thyroid hormone helps control the speed of your metabolism. The faster your metabolism, the more calories your body will burn at rest. People who have hypothyroidism make less thyroid hormone. This means they have a slower metabolism and burn fewer calories at rest. Having a slow metabolism comes with several health risks. It may leave you tired, increase your blood cholesterol levels and make it harder for you to lose weight. If you find it difficult to maintain your weight with hypothyroidism, try doing moderate- or high-intensity cardio. This includes exercises like fast-paced walking, running, hiking and rowing. Moderate to high-intensity aerobic exercise may help boost your thyroid hormone levels. In turn, this may help speed up your metabolism. People with hypothyroidism might also benefit from increasing their protein intake. Research shows that higher protein diets help increase the speed of your metabolism


There are several nutrients that are important for optimal thyroid health

1 – Iodine

Iodine is an essential mineral that is needed to make thyroid hormones. People with an iodine deficiency might be at risk of hypothyroidism. Iodine deficiency is very common and affects nearly a third of the world’s population. If you do have an iodine deficiency, add iodized table salt to your meals or eat more iodine-rich foods like fish, dairy and eggs.

2 – Selenium

Selenium helps the body “activate” thyroid hormones so they can be used by the body. This essential mineral also has antioxidant benefits, which means it may protect the thyroid gland from damage by molecules called free radicals. Adding selenium-rich foods to your diet is a great way to boost your selenium levels. This includes tuna, sardines, eggs and legumes.

3 – Zinc

Like selenium, zinc also helps the body “activate” thyroid hormones. Zinc may help the body regulate TSH, the hormone that tells the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones.




1 – Goitrogens

Goitrogens are compounds that may interfere with the normal function of the thyroid gland.

• Soy foods: Tofu, etc.

 • Certain vegetables: Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, etc.

• Fruits and starchy plants: Sweet potatoes, peaches, strawberries, etc.

 • Nuts and seeds: Millet, peanuts, etc. Also, cooking foods with goitrogens may “inactivate” the goitrogenic substances.


2  - Gluten

Gluten is a protein found in grains like wheat, rye and barley. People who have celiac disease, an autoimmune disease, can’t eat gluten. Their body mistakenly attacks it and causes damage to the surrounding gut area. You should also avoid eating highly processed foods, as they usually contain more calories. This can be a problem for someone with hypothyroidism, since they may gain weight easily.




• Millet: All varieties.

• Highly processed foods: Hot dogs, cakes, cookies, etc.

 • Supplements: Selenium and iodine supplements should be avoided unless prescribed by your doctor.

• Foods that contain gluten: Bread, pasta, cereals, beer, etc.

• Soy foods: Tofu, tempeh, soy milk, etc.

• Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, spinach, cabbage, etc.

• Certain fruits: Peaches, pears and strawberries.

• Beverages: Coffee, green tea and alcohol — these beverages may irritate your thyroid gland



• Eggs: Whole eggs are best, as much of the iodine and selenium are found in the yolk, while the whites are full of protein.

• Meats: All meats, including lamb, chicken, etc.

• Fish: All seafood, including salmon, tuna, etc.

• Vegetables: All vegetables are fine to eat. Cruciferous vegetables are fine to eat in moderate amounts, especially when cooked.

• Fruits: All other fruits including berries, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, etc.

• Gluten-free grains and seeds: Rice, buckwheat, quinoa, chia seeds and flaxseed.

• Dairy: All dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.

• Beverages: Water and other non-caffeinated beverages. People with hypothyroidism should eat a diet based around vegetables, fruit and lean meats. They are low in calories and very filling, which may help prevent weight gain.



• Get plenty of rest: Aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep very night. Sleeping less than this is linked with fat gain, especially around the belly are.

• Practice mindful eating: Paying attention to what you're eating, why you’re eating and how fast you’re eating can help you develop a better relationship with food.

• Try workout, yoga or meditation: Workout, Yoga and meditation can help yo    u de-stress and improve your overall health.

• Try a low to moderate carb diet: Eating a low to moderate amount of carbs is very effective for maintaining a healthy weight. However, avoid trying a ketogenic diet, as eating too few carbs may lower your thyroid hormone levels


Stay Healthy Stay Fit

Credits - GM


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